Porto, PT, 2022
A house occupies one corner of a miniature city. Contained entirely within a block in downtown Porto, this city is somewhat hidden from sight. Normal rules don't apply here as 2,5 meter wide streets find their way between 142 squared houses. This dramatic hike in concentration boosts all aspects typical to cities. Issues like privacy, logistics, noise, smell, sunlight, ventilation, color, texture, form or scale are greatly intensified. Hidden in plain sight, the grid project is loud and clear.
While blocked in one of the crossroads of this grid, the house does everything within its power to disappear, making mischief. It masks its own limits, offers two main doors, casts out its windows and even gives up on part of the plot. Inside, an oversized opening sends this house away from the grid, shedding light to 5 meter high ceilings and a yellow rectangle.